Jumat, 29 April 2011

Our Profile

Read Cozy home or studio Read Free, stands for the support mysmall family and friends. I am trying to develop the concept of non-formal education through the organization of the Library / Housesread / Studio read for free. Houses have read since my first childzihni Alkautsar, like reading and a lot of friends in his neighborhood sepermainannya we visited the house to read acollection of our family library, precisely June 2009.

Read Cozy house / studio for free reading, this started in open tothe public, since May of 2011, since our family began to feelenough to share more of discourse to the children, mostly tochildren who are not from our neighborhood . Share your story book collection, such as children's story (comic), until the child's special ensklopedia.

For our family it provides the opportunity for school-age childrenfrom the community in our neighborhood until the environment isless affordable than our neighborhood, to get non-formal educationat home for free reading, outside the formal education provided byschools. Considering the number of events that is very alarming,Praise be Allah SWT libraries and reading resources in schools justgot a little portion plus the lack of reading interests of children andlack of culture of reading lately ..

one design house name read

choice of other, more common name without incriminating any of the parties ...

in a single day I can make some choices that I make a name forfree to read my studio name.

so do not be surprised if all of a sudden I will change the displaycontaining a different philosophy

Cozy itself means comfort ..
so I just want to read my studio could provide comfort to those whovisit without any social inequality, rich, poor and differences inbeliefs
all have the same right to get pleasure, knowledge, and newexperiences, new friends of course ....In Free

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